Plane Reflections

On a plane, flying from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.   Thinking about the people I love.   My wife, sleeping in my lap.   My friends Elysa, and Sarah, whom I cherish to tears.   My father and mother, who took me on many plane trips when I was younger.

When I was a kid, I thought every plane was a chartered plane,   and every kid got to hang out in the cockpit.   Now, I know, my father and grand father both being pilots gave me privileged opportunities, ones that kids don’t get these days.  I had royal treatment.   It really was like traveling by folding a map.

I look down to the desert, on awkward squares and circles, looking forward to my best friend picking me up from PHL, like we’ve done for each other dozens of times.  

Perhaps, one day, or in another life, I’ll become a pilot.  Look down on everything, find a perfect place to live, and land, with everyone I love on board.

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