Archive for December, 2011

Someone Else

Posted in Creative Writing on December 14, 2011 by Verge

I arrived at the station

having not seen you in a while

never expecting the orange in your hair

you were beautiful, I was happy to be there

For three weeks I crashed in your flat

in London while you still went to class

But at night we hung out with your room mates

over bottles of red wine and laughs

one evening, I remember, we walked on the river

and stopped now and then for a candid picture

but you were strangely not yourself

and the photo, later, proved your uncomfortablness

it was a few years later

in your apartment in Philadelphia

that you finally revealed to me

what had been bothering you all along

you had been with someone else that year

you never really had to tell me

and it was the beginning of the long tearful end

but I can’t blame anyone, I was happy to be there.

Rob carries Marla across the threshold

Posted in Daily Pictures, Friends and Family, Good Times on December 13, 2011 by Verge

I’m getting around to sorting some photos, and going through the few I have of my brother’s wedding last month.  I was so busy I barely had time to take any, but after the wedding, and the reception, and the after party, and the dealing with two separate fights at the after party, we finally made it back to our rooms at 2 in the morning.  Here is the married couple crossing the threshold.

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I was a bit intoxicated at this point in the day, and it was dark out, and they were in motion,  so excuse the blurriness.  On the other hand, it accurately represents how I saw it myself!

Carousel Pictures from Rob and Marla’s Wedding

Posted in Daily Pictures, Friends and Family, Good Times on December 13, 2011 by Verge

the night before my brother got married, some of us took a ride on the carousel.  Here are a few snapshots I took.  These are with my phone and an art app.  None have been retouched or photo shopped

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“Winter” Poem by Ronnie Mund (of The Howard Stern Show) Rewritten like a Poet (transcribed words lyrics)

Posted in Creative Writing with tags , on December 9, 2011 by Verge

(I wanted to see if I could rewrite the poem “Winter” by Ronnie Mund and make it into my own style.  I thought it would be a fun exercise.  It’s kind of like when, back in Creative Writing school, we were asked to emulate the style of a poet or writer, except this is the opposite.  I want to keep the meaning, but change the style…drastically.  After searching for the transcription online, I found none, and did it myself.  Here ya’ go, Stern fans.)


by Ronnie Mund

Winter is when there are no leaves on the trees

Winter is when we say good bye to the birds and the bees

Winter is when we get an extra hour of z’s

Winter is when a red-suited man brings us all lots of glee

Winter is when the snow falls and we yell “Happy New Year”

Winter is when you turn that special girl or guy’s heart bright red with love and cheer, until this time again next year

Winter goes away…

And the birds and the bees

and the leaves on the trees

and the extra hour of z’s

all go back to where they should be.



Obviously, formatting  mine.  Here is the original.  I’d like to get J.D. to recite my version when I’m done.  Stay tuned.

Okay, here’s my attempt, first try. Like I said, I’m not a published poet or anything.  I used this more as a funny exercise than anything else.  Hope  you like the new version.



by Ryan Walsh

Frigid Winter winds lick leaves from limbs as

wing-ed travelers make their perennial voyage

and the Sun and I set earlier in our days.

Gifts exchange and crystal clinks

over Valentines and holiday drinks.

Another year turns over.

All things end…

      then are reborn again.